Areas of Practice

Our strategic media outreach service includes:

1.     Media List Development: We create a targeted list of media contacts, journalists, editors, and influencers who are most likely to be interested in covering your industry, product, or service.

2.     Press Release Creation and Distribution: We assist in crafting compelling press releases that effectively communicate your key messages and news. Our team utilizes industry best practices to optimize the press release for maximum impact. We then distribute the press release to relevant media outlets, ensuring it reaches the right audience.

3.     Media Pitching and Relationship Building: We proactively pitch your story or expertise to media contacts to secure media coverage and interviews. Our team leverages existing relationships with journalists while also building new connections to increase your chances of gaining media attention.

5.     Crisis Communications: In the event of a crisis or negative media attention, we offer strategic guidance and support to effectively manage and navigate the situation. We help you develop key messaging, handle media inquiries, and mitigate any potential damage to your reputation.

We aim to secure positive media coverage, increase brand awareness, and position you as an authority in your industry. Our tailored approach ensures that we align media relations efforts with your overall business goals and objectives.

Media Relations & Communications

Sales Management

Our research and analysis service include the following:

1.    External Assessment:

  • Market Assessment: We analyze your industry and target market to provide a comprehensive overview of market trends, size, and potential. This helps you gain a deep understanding of the market landscape in which your business operates.

  • Competitive Analysis: We conduct a detailed assessment of your competitors, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, market positioning, and strategies. This helps identify areas where your business can differentiate itself with competitive advantages.

  • Customer Analysis: We help you identify customer needs, preferences, and behaviors, enabling you to tailor your products, services, and marketing efforts to effectively reach and engage your ideal customers.

  • Opportunity Identification: We work with you to identify untapped opportunities for growth. Whether it's entering new market segments, expanding into different geographic regions, or diversifying your product/service offerings, we help you uncover areas where your business can thrive.

  • Strategic Recommendations: We provide actionable recommendations to drive your business development efforts. This includes developing strategic initiatives, refining your value proposition, and designing targeted marketing strategies to capitalize on identified opportunities.

Our research and analysis service empower you with insights and strategic guidance, to make well-informed decisions that drive business growth and maximize your competitive advantage.

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the sales staff's performance, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to enhance overall sales effectiveness by addressing the following:

  • Sales Targets and Goals

  • Sales Metrics and KPIs

  • Sales Processes and Methodologies

  • Sales Pipeline Management

  • Sales Performance Analysis

  • Training and Development

  • Sales Support and Resources

  • Communication and Collaboration

  • Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

  • Motivation and Incentives

Sales Development-External

Marketing & Promotion

Understand the elements of your marketing and promotion strategy, to see if they build a strong foundation for effectively reaching and engaging your target audience, driving brand awareness, and achieving your business objectives including:

  • Have a clear objective

  • Understand Your Target Market

  • Communicating Your Value Proposition

  • An Integrated Approach

  • Consistent Branding

  • Utilizing Data and Analytics

  • Building Strong Customer Relationships

Sales Development-Internal

Comprehensive Analysis: We conduct a thorough examination of your organization's revenue streams.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Our analysis is based on robust data and metrics to provide accurate insights into revenue performance.

  • Actionable Recommendations: We provide strategic recommendations tailored to your organization's unique needs and goals.

  • Revenue Optimization: Our goal is to help you unlock untapped potential, identify areas for improvement, and maximize revenue generation.

Digital & Print Advertising

Evaluate if the specific goals, target audience, budget, and resources are utilized effectively when determining the right mix of digital and print advertising. Demonstrate how AI into your advertising strategies can enhance effectiveness, efficiency, and audience engagement. Teach on how to regularly monitor and analyze the performance of your campaigns to optimize your advertising efforts and achieve the desired results

Financial Analysis

Our P&L analysis service empowers you with a clear understanding of your financial performance and helps you make informed decisions to drive profitability, optimize costs, and improve overall business performance. The analysis includes:

  • Financial Statement Review

  • Profitability assessment

  • Expense Analysis

  • Key Performance Indicators

  • Financial Trend Analysis

  • Recommendations

We can provide coaching and guidance to empower you in implementing strategies independently, or we can handle the tasks for you, taking a more hands-on approach. Additionally, we offer fractional executive roles within media, development, sales and marketing, and general business providing specialized expertise on a part-time basis.

Fractional Executive Roles